Saturday, November 27, 2010

Veterinary Challenges

When I think about the situation of veterinary medice in Chile I realize that we lack of many things if we compare to USA or the European Union and I think this happend because in this country in general all the animals areas like animal behavior, rehabilitation and wildlife are not so relevant like in others countries so all the improvements are always related with people needs, that is why we always see how the vets are improving in areas like animal production or food safety. I really dont like areas like animal production so the challenges that I think the vets have are:

-First, build a "Veterinary hospital" instead of build so many clinics. I hate the fact I can find a clinical vet each one block. So my idea to contrast this is have the best tecnology and service in only one place (or two if we could build another one ;D).Of course it have to include a lot of specialties to give the best service that we can. In my opinion some vets can search for good and rich business partners who like the proyect so they can create this kind of hospital.
-Second, make laws for "responsible ownership and animal abuse" otherwise the government will continue blaming animal for people mistake and will continue allowing some people to not take good care of their pets or even worst let them punch their own animals. In this case we need to have senators who commit with this cause and approve legislation to protect animals lives.
-Third, we need to invest more in investigation and conservation of our own fauna so this way we could offer more veterinary jobs and protect our animlas as well. In this case we need a government and private companies that really cares about the environment and people lives for that matter because in the end we cant survive without a safe nature. So we need more people with "green consciousness" :D

And the last one that is related to the Education system is the lack of the universities in the specialities areas that they offer because we need to leave the country if we want to have a greater variety of PhD and magister, we only have the classical areas restricting to the student to study only a few specialties.


  1. I really would like to have in chile more interest in animal behavior and in wildlife!
    And I'm agree with you about new laws for animal abuse regulation.
    see you on monday!

  2. When I think about the situation of veterinary medice in Chile I realize that we lack of many things if we compare to USA or the European Union and I think this happend because in this country in general all the animals areas like animal behavior, rehabilitation and wildlife are not so relevant like in others countries so all the improvements are always related with people needs, that is why we always see how the vets are improving in areas like animal production or food safety. I really dont like areas like animal production so the challenges that I think the vets have are:

    -First, build a "Veterinary hospital" instead of build so many clinics. I hate the fact I can find a clinical vet each one block. So my idea to contrast this is have the best tecnology and service in only one place (or two if we could build another one ;D).Of course it have to include a lot of specialties to give the best service that we can. In my opinion some vets can search for good and rich business partners who like the proyect so they can create this kind of hospital.
    -Second, WF make laws for "responsible ownership and animal abuse" otherwise the government will continue blaming animal for people mistake and will continue allowing some people to not take good care of their pets or even worst let them punch their own animals. In this case we need to have senators who commit with this cause and approve legislation to protect animals lives.
    -Third, we need to invest more in investigation and conservation of our own fauna so this way we could offer more veterinary jobs and protect our SP animlas as well. In this case we need a government and private companies that really SVA cares about the environment and people lives for that matter because in the end we cant survive without a safe nature. So we need more people with "green consciousness" :D

    And the last one that is related to the Education system is the lack of the universities in the specialities areas that they offer because we need to leave the country if we want to have a greater variety of PhD and WW magister, we only have the classical areas restricting to the student to study only a few specialties.

    well done! you have very good ideas you should be president or something like that...
    remember to end this with a small conclusion ok?
