Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Learning English at the university

Nowadays the english language is important in every part of ours professional lives especially in areas like veterinary medicine because all the main researches and development are in english so is truly necessary have at least the basic knowledge of this language. Through this advantage we can develop a better quality in our works because we will be available to learn more and that way we could be more prepare in each areas if we study constantly for new data. This is one of the main reason for me to learn this language but I have another reason too, in general I enjoy learning new languages so since school I always had interest in learn english a real english by the way not the one that teach in most of chilean school that is a really basic english. So the opportunity that gives our faculty is a chance not to be waste.

When I pass the level of “Pre-intermediate” I thought about the opportunity of take a higher level and through this improve my english skills and beside this was my chance to finally take a “general elective” that had make me so many headache because our “always free” schedule.

During this elective I really had hard time but not because the class but because of our “horrible academic load” I remember when Miss always talked about our sleepy faces and our low motivation and this was only because most of us stayed all night studied for big tests. But I really enjoy writing the blog especially because we were capable to improve a lot though every session that we wrote. The topics where always fun and related with important issue about our career and our thought about meaningful stuff so I could improve how express my ideas in these areas.

In conclusion, I would love to have had more time and focus to apply in this class so this way I could take more advantage to the knowledge that the teacher give us and have a better interaction with my classmates and with the teacher as well. So for me this is only one more step in the learning of this language so my next goal is improve even more my skills and of course take the “big test” that would give me more chances to become a really good vet because my main goal is travel and expand my studies in a foreign country.

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays the english language is important in every part of WF ours professional lives especially in areas like veterinary medicine because all the main researches and development are in english so is truly necessary WF have at least the basic knowledge of this language. Through this advantage we can develop a better quality in our WF works because we will be available to learn more and that way we could be more prepare in each areas if we study constantly for new data. This is one of the main WF reason for me to learn this language but I have another reason too, in general I enjoy learning new languages so since school I always had interest in learn english a real english by the way not the one that teach in most of chilean school that is a really basic english. So the opportunity that gives WO our faculty is a chance not to be waste.

    When I pass the level of “Pre-intermediate” I thought about the opportunity of take a higher level and through this improve my english skills and beside this was my chance to finally take a “general elective” that had make me so many headache because our “always free” schedule.

    During this elective I really had hard time but not because the class but because of our “horrible academic load” I remember when Miss always talked about our sleepy faces and our low motivation and this was only because most of us stayed all night studied for big tests. But I really TENSE enjoy writing the blog especially because we were capable to improve a lot though every session that we wrote. The topics where always fun and related with important issue about our career and our thought about meaningful stuff so I could improve how express my ideas in these areas.

    In conclusion, I would love to have had more time and focus to apply in this class so this way I could take more advantage to the knowledge that the teacher TENSE give us and have a better interaction with my classmates and with the teacher as well. So for me this is only one more step in the learning of this language so my next goal is improve even more my skills and of course take the “big test” that would give me more chances to become a really good vet because my main goal is travel and expand my studies in a foreign country.

    well the best of luck! I'm sure you will succeed in anything you want
