Thursday, November 4, 2010

Best Movie!

I love this topic so much! :D althought I had some trouble choosing my favourite movie(because I like it so many movies *O*) is a entertaining topic. I like it because you can know a little bit more about every person through their personal taste in movies. Like I said in the class I have a kind of obssesion xD with a unique studio, this producers had made the best movies ever!! Their called "Studio Ghibli" and their speciality is to make Animations movies.The people that work in this studio are a group of geniuses director that make every movie like it was a piece of art because they can transform great topics like magic animals and characters, environment protection and social criticism into great scenarios, plots and entertaining movies. I think they became famous with "El viaje de Chihiro" but that movie is only one of their fantastic list of movies :D

In the end I choosed only one because the plot definitely goes with my point of view and how I thought about life and the respect we "need" to have to our forest or even more to our environment. The name of the movie is "Mononoke Hime" that means "La princesa Mononoke" and the plot is based on a warrior called Ashitaka that travel to the west of his village to find a demon who destroyed a far forest and threat to destroyed his own village and because he need to find a cure to save his life from a deadly curse that the same demon made to him. In his journey he find out that the reason of the demon anger which actually is a protective spirit from the forest was caused by an ambicius woman called Lady Eboshi lider of a clan who is cutting their trees and causing bigs problems to every animals that live in there. So in the end he and a young lady called Princess Mononoke that was raised by a family of wolves try to bring the peace again to the nature.

I loved this film so much and specially all the Ghibli movies xD because they know how to medley strong arguments based most of the time on social criticism,fantasy worlds and great music at the same time so they can create amazing scenarios and characters that I denifitely enjoy watching :D

This is a trailer so you can also enjoy some parts of the movie :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this topic so much! :D SP althought I had some trouble choosing my favourite movie(because I like it so many movies *O*) is a entertaining topic. I like it because you can know a little bit more about every person through their personal taste in movies. Like I said in the class I have a kind of obssesion xD with a unique studio, WF this producers had made the best movies ever!! Their called "Studio Ghibli" and their speciality is to make Animations movies.The people that work in this studio are a group of geniuses director that make every movie like it was a piece of art because they can transform great topics like magic animals and characters, environment protection and social criticism into great scenarios, plots and entertaining movies. I think they became famous with "El viaje de Chihiro" but that movie is only one of their fantastic list of movies :D

    In the end I WF choosed only one because the plot definitely goes with my point of view and how I thought about life and the respect we "need" to have to our forest or even more to our environment. The name of the movie is "Mononoke Hime" that means SPANISH! "La princesa Mononoke" and the plot is based on a warrior called Ashitaka that travel to the west of his village to find a demon who destroyed a far forest and threat to destroyed his own village and because he SVA need to find a cure to save his life from a deadly curse that the same demon made to him. In his journey he SVA find out that the reason of the demon anger which actually is a protective spirit from the forest was caused by an ambicius woman called Lady Eboshi lider of a clan who is cutting their trees and causing bigs problems to every animals that live in there. So in the end he and a young lady called Princess Mononoke that was raised by a family of wolves try to bring the peace again to the nature.

    I loved this film so much and specially all the Ghibli movies xD because they know how to medley strong arguments based most of the time on social criticism,fantasy worlds and great music at the same time so they can create amazing scenarios and characters that I denifitely enjoy watching :D

    very interesting... I'll check it out!
    This is a trailer so you can also enjoy some parts of the movie :)
