Sunday, November 14, 2010

Improving your faculty facilities

This is a big topic! mainly because you can improve things in almost every area or thing you can imagine and especially in our faculty because I think we lack on many things... for all that I think is a great subject but is even more interesting when you are capable to propose ideas that could help to improve this lacks.

I only can think about things that I have seen so far but the first thing that came to my mind is our classroom or more specific the number of students in the classroom!! Is very annoying have class with 100 or 150 people in a small room especially because not everyone can understand to the teacher in the same way and because is really irritating being in a room with so many people especially in summer!!! with 30 or 40 degree!!

Other thing that I think we need is an
appropriate "study room" because our library is so noisy that doesnt look like one because is never quiet so I cant study there :( For me the only place I can really concentrate is in my house!

And the last thing but the most important to me is the horrible
management of the
farms animals . For me is a huge disrespect to have only 3 or 4 people in charge of so many animals and the fact that they have an awful infrastructure in every yard but even more horrible is what happened the last week when a horse died because of that!!!! The thing that I cant understand is we suppose to have good profesional in every area but in this case I really doubt of their capabilities.

I think one way of resolve all these situations is to consider all the students and teachers needs and not olny think like a business problem if we are lack of money then make more programs or cheaper community services to earn more money and for
the farm animals situation they can create students group like an obligatory subject to help to the management of this animals and through this increase the numer of workers. So in my opinion people in charge need to commit even more with the faculty to keep calling "The best university of chile".

1 comment:

  1. This is a big topic! mainly because you can improve things in almost every area or thing you can imagine and especially in our faculty because I think we lack on many things... for all that I think is a great subject but is even more interesting when you are capable to propose ideas that could help to improve WF this lacks.

    I only can think about things that I have seen so far but the first thing that came to my mind is our classroom or more specific the number of students in the classroom!! ^ Is very annoying WF have class with 100 or 150 people in a small room especially because not everyone can understand to the teacher in the same way and because is really irritating being in a room with so many people especially in summer!!! with 30 or 40 WF degree!!

    WW Other thing that I think we need is an appropriate "study room" because our library is so noisy that doesnt look like one because is never quiet so I cant study there :( For me the only place I can really concentrate is in my house!

    And the last thing but the most important to me is the horrible management of the farms animals . For me is a huge disrespect to have only 3 or 4 people in charge of so many animals and the fact that they have an awful infrastructure in every yard but even more horrible is what happened the last week when a horse died because of that!!!! The thing that I cant understand is we suppose to have good profesional in every area but in this case I really doubt of their capabilities.

    I think one way of resolve all these situations is to consider all the students and teachers needs and not olny think like a business problem if we are lack of money then make more programs or cheaper community services to earn more money and for the farm animals situation they can create students group like an obligatory subject to help to the management of this animals and through this increase the numer of workers. So in my opinion people in charge need to commit even more with the faculty to keep calling "The best university of chile".

    very good! interesting suggestions as well, now what happened to horse?
