Thursday, October 7, 2010

Death Penalty...

Since the topic of this week is a polemic issue I really had a deep thought about it. The reason of this concern is because is a topic that involves strong and opposite points of view and a delicate matter such as "LIFE".

I agree that everyone have the right to make a decision about their own life and do what they want to do or even end it when they want it, the real problem to me begins when the criminals damage and make horribles things to other people. So I really think that
kind of people deserve a death penalty... even when the argumnet of the people that disagree with this penalty is the "Human Rights" I think is more awful and insane the actions of this criminals than defend their rights.Not because I dont believe in "rehabilitation" , actually I dont agree 100% but I think is a valid way to regreted about their own acts, but because the damage they cause to the victims family is never ... never!! being compensate with regrets and changes in their future life.

I really like the fact that in some countries the victim have the oportunity to assure that the crime
could never commit again.. at least by the same person. In this case they can save a lot of people to suffer the same pain that they felt. To my point of view I think every country and their population have the right to possess the legislation (and of course suitable judges for that matter) to defend themselves against insane criminals.

1 comment:

  1. Since the topic of this week is a polemic issue I really had a deep thought about it. The reason of this concern is because is a topic that involves strong and opposite points of view and a delicate matter such as "LIFE".

    I agree that everyone SVA have the right to make a decision about their own life and do what they want to do or even end it when they want it, the real problem to me begins when the criminals damage and make WF horribles things to other people. So I really think that kind of people deserve a death penalty... even when the argumnet of the people that disagree with this penalty is the "Human Rights" I think is more awful and insane the actions of this criminals than defend their rights.Not because I dont believe in "rehabilitation" , actually I dont agree 100% but I think is a valid way to regreted about their own acts, but because the damage they cause to the victims family is never ... never!! being compensate with regrets and changes in their future life.

    I really like the fact that in some countries the victim SVA have the oportunity to assure that the crime could never WW commit again.. at least by the same person. In this case they can save a lot of people to suffer the same pain that they felt. To my point of view I think every country and their population have the right to possess the legislation (and of course suitable judges for that matter) to defend themselves against insane criminals.

    uf complex topic isn't it? well I have read that in some countries with death penalty, the crime rates do not decrease... sad right?
