Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transantiago... Before and after!

When I knew that the system of transportation it was going to change I thought "is gonna be a real problem. I already know the route of the bus I was going to take to the university.. in the case I get in :D but with the new form of transportation everything it would be diferent.

So when started it was worse than I expected!!!!!!! The good thing whose that I did`t have to used it everyday... because I had to use the subway but that was stressful too because with the transantiago it was all crowed!!!! It was really bad so at that moment I hate the new buses. Before I really enjoyed traveling in the subway so I was really mad!!

Other thing that really bother me is that the route of the old buses was very long so I could travel in only one bus and arrive to a very far place but now I have to take two buses and the subway to go almost every place and it take me so many hours in each travel!! In the end the only thing I can do is accept it! because is the ONLY way that exist!!

I think the system would be a positive way of transportation if they change the route and do it a little bit longer(like before) or if they control more the time that the buses pass in each bus stop or even better it could be a "specific hour" to the bus arrive at the bus stop ...that definitely improve the system.

The only thing I love, is the form we pay the bus, the "bip" card is easier and faster than before, now I don`t have to count the money before I get in the bus XD and the bus driver only pay atention to drive!! =P

So if the system change a little bit definitely could be a great way of transportation in this big and caotic city.. giving us a less thing to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. When I knew that the system of transportation it was going to change I thought "is gonna be a real problem. I already TENSE know the route of the bus I was going to take to the university.. in the case I get in :D but with the new form of transportation everything it would be SP diferent.

    So when started it was worse than I expected!!!!!!! The good thing WW whose that I did`t have to used it everyday... because I had to use the subway but that was stressful too because with the transantiago it was all SP crowed!!!! It was really bad so at that moment I hate the new buses. Before I really enjoyed traveling in the subway so I was really mad!!

    WW Other thing that really SVA bother me is that the route of the old buses was very long so I could travel in only one bus and arrive to a very far place but now I have to take two buses and the subway to go almost every place and it SVA take me so many hours in each travel!! In the end the only thing I can do is accept it! because is the ONLY way that SVA exist!!

    I think the system would be a positive way of transportation if they change the route and do it a little bit longer(like before) or if they control more the time that the buses pass in each bus stop or even better it could be a "specific hour" to the bus arrive at the bus stop ...that definitely improve the system.

    The only thing I love, is the form we pay the bus, the "bip" card is easier and faster than before, now I don`t have to count the money before I get in the bus XD and the bus driver only pay atention to drive!! =P

    So if the system change a little bit definitely could be a great way of transportation in this big and caotic city.. giving us a less thing to worry about.

    well done!! I agree with you that the payment or is the best , I remember when I was in the bus thinking please look at the street not the money!!
    remember the connectors ok?
