Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Semester 2010 :D

Last semester was a dinamic time in my life ... even I thought is gonna be a difficult semester it was fine and very funny too. I was able to do so many things like go out with my friends ( A LOT .. xD), have time for my own and study at the same time ;D

But definitely the most important thing was change my eating habits.. now I am a vegetarian :D ... it was an idea that I always have in mind so I am really happy now. At the beginnig it was a little bit dificult to my close friends and family to get used to the idea so it was very tiring to me. But i feel great with my decision so is all that matter to me :)

Now I am really happy with the things that happend last semester .. so I hope this one would be as good as the last one ^^

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