The topic of this week is really interesting!! I always imagine and dreams on how it would be the sensation of travel to all over the world... discovering new cultures, types of food, arts but specially the day by day life of peolple who are different in every single way .The part of the world I would like to visit is not a unique contry but a continent: Asia!! specially Japan, Korea and China :D
This has been my fascination since always!!! So I hope someday I could finally do it for real.. I am attracted to this part of the world because everythings is different from here.. they see the world from other perspective, I thought. All their history and past have a unique form and view. For example I love their "samurais histories" and "dragons leyends" or their temples and religion as well. I like it their music too.. I always listen to japanese or korean pop so I am a big fan of a lot of group from there :)
If I have the opportunity to travel I would love to visit their temples, use a kimono on a typical festival and buy some many things like cds, books and of course go to the concerts of my favourites bands!! It would be the most amazing time that I never could imagine it.
But I never think in living there because it would be very difficult to get used to their way of living, the relations between people is different as well so never.. never I get used to actually live in there. Even if I like it this contries so much it would be nice only doing tourism ;)
When I knew that the system of transportation it was going to change I thought "is gonna be a real problem. I already know the route of the bus I was going to take to the university.. in the case I get in :D but with the new form of transportation everything it would be diferent.
So when started it was worse than I expected!!!!!!! The good thing whose that I did`t have to used it everyday... because I had to use the subway but that was stressful too because with the transantiago it was all crowed!!!! It was really bad so at that moment I hate the new buses. Before I really enjoyed traveling in the subway so I was really mad!!
Other thing that really bother me is that the route of the old buses was very long so I could travel in only one bus and arrive to a very far place but now I have to take two buses and the subway to go almost every place and it take me so many hours in each travel!! In the end the only thing I can do is accept it! because is the ONLY way that exist!!
I think the system would be a positive way of transportation if they change the route and do it a little bit longer(like before) or if they control more the time that the buses pass in each bus stop or even better it could be a "specific hour" to the bus arrive at the bus stop ...that definitely improve the system.
The only thing I love, is the form we pay the bus, the "bip" card is easier and faster than before, now I don`t have to count the money before I get in the bus XD and the bus driver only pay atention to drive!! =P
So if the system change a little bit definitely could be a great way of transportation in this big and caotic city.. giving us a less thing to worry about.
Last semester was a dinamic time in my life ... even I thought is gonna be a difficult semester it was fine and very funny too. I was able to do so many things like go out with my friends ( A LOT .. xD), have time for my own and study at the same time ;D
But definitely the most important thing was change my eating habits.. now I am a vegetarian :D ... it was an idea that I always have in mind so I am really happy now. At the beginnig it was a little bit dificult to my close friends and family to get used to the idea so it was very tiring to me. But i feel great with my decision so is all that matter to me :)
Now I am really happy with the things that happend last semester .. so I hope this one would be as good as the last one ^^